Phone: (919) 676-5770
Madison Davis
Law Clerk, J.D. / MBA Candidate 2023
Her Experience
Madison joined The Mueller Law Firm in May of 2021. She grew up all over the world as the daughter of a military officer, but now calls Raleigh her home. She graduated from NC State University with a degree in Political Science and a concentration in International and
Comparative Politics with minors in French and International Studies. While at NC State, she served as a University Ambassador, a Study Abroad Ambassador, Vice President of Community Service for Kappa Delta Sorority, Vice President of the Society for Politics, Economics, and the Law, and studied abroad in Lille, France.
Madison is currently a law student at Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law and an MBA student at NC State University’s Jenkins MBA Program. She will graduate with her Juris Doctorate degree and her master’s in business administration in May of 2023. While not at work or school, she enjoys running and hiking with her dog Reynolds, going to the Saturday Farmers Market with her Granddad, and traveling home to Italy to visit her parents.